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the southern region中文是什么意思

用"the southern region"造句"the southern region"怎么读"the southern region" in a sentence


  • 南方地区


  • Slope maintenance and improvement works over the southern regions of the territory
  • Maintenance of lands department slopes in the southern regions 2004 - 2009 - design and construction
    地政总署本港南区斜坡维修,设计及建造2004 - 2009
  • Design and implementation of returning grain plots to forestry in the southern region of ningxia information system
  • The northern region improved more expansively , and the southern region improved slowly
  • Situated in the southern region of colorful clouds , even xishuangbanna ' s name conjures up a mystical ethnic feel
  • Menwhile , the city distribution in shanxi province is not balanceable , which resulted the regional difference among the middle , the northern and the southern regions of shanxi province
  • Trinidad and tobago are two small islands in the southern region of the caribbean , where recently the light of supreme master ching hai s teachings began to shine and be known to the public
  • The trulli , limestone dwellings found in the southern region of puglia , are remarkable examples of drywall ( mortarless ) construction , a prehistoric building technique still in use in this region
  • It was master ching hai s wish that gifts be presented to people before new year s day . volunteers thus tried to accomplish their mission accordingly and reach the southern region in a timely manner
  • Tailors in the wealthy central region of tuscany declare less than 9 , 000 euros per year , while pasta - makers in the southern region of calabria claim to survive on less than 3 , 600 euros , or 300 euros per month
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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